Dating 101

Starting at $1,000

Work through a customized curriculum based on your vision of a well matched partner.

-6, 1:1 coaching sessions over 3 months

-resources for uncovering past dating patterns and roadblocks, tips on pacing dates and conversations to have to better understand each other

-learn about attachment styles and how the nervous system operates within intimate relationships

Heartbreak Recovery

Starting at $500

Providing a safe space for grief and the unpacking of painful endings

-3 1:1 supportive sessions

-resources for working through a breakup, uncovering the lessons and tactical strategies for moving on

-create an individualized plan for self care, and a reset pathway to process and heal from heartbreak

Life Coaching

Starting at $1,000

Work on your life force (body, mind & spirit) to create a life you love.

-6, 1:1 coaching sessions over 3 months

- resources to reflect on and unpack your current standard of living to then learn and grow with an inspired and guided focus on enhancing every aspect to start living your best life

On-Going Support

Starting at $150

Book a 1 hour long session for support - ad-hoc with any package

“Embrace the beauty of your unique journey as it continues to unfold. Your story is a masterpiece in the making, evolving hand in hand with your growth. Stay true to yourself and let the rest fall into place. It always does.”

— Wisdom from the Heart